Our Energy Our Future:

More than 40 million Americans rely upon their electric cooperative for safe, reliable power at an affordable price. As the demand for energy increases, becoming more energy efficient is important. Electric cooperatives and consumers need to work together to help manage energy use. Below are some quick tips to save energy:

What are LED Bulbs and how do they work?

LED stands for light emitting diode. LED lighting products produce light approximately 90% more efficiently than incandescent light bulbs. How do they work? An electrical current passes through a microchip, which illuminates the tiny light sources we call LEDs and the result is visible light. To prevent performance issues, the heat LEDs produce is absorbed into a heat sink.

Insulate Your Attic:

Attics can be great sources of heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer. Payback will vary depending on your region, but you'll usually recover the cost within two years.


Weatherizing your home means sealing where air can infiltrate such as doors, windows and places where pipes enter the home. The cost of this varies depending on the age and construction of you home. This is where your local Touchstone Energy cooperative can be a great help. 

Programmable Thermostats:

The average home will spend over $1,000 a year on heating and cooling. Programmable thermostats adjust the temperature in winter and in summer as well as during unoccupied hours. At a cost of $50 - $150 the payback can be seen in well under a year. For more information see the Energy Star web site on programmable thermostats.

Maintain Your HVAC System:

Your heating and cooling system equipment runs best when properly maintained. Change your filters on a regular basis. Having your HVAC system serviced on an annual basis will ensure that your system is not costing you more then it should, as well as increasing the life of the system. 


Check around the house to see if devices are unnecessarily plugged in. Cell phones, iPod chargers and appliances are still drawing power when not in use. Be aware that plasma TVs and entertainment systems are drawing power even when they are off. Also switching computers off or using the computer’s power management settings to allow standby mode when it’s not needed. A computer can use as much electricity as a new refrigerator.

Conduct Your Own Energy Audit:

Do you really need two refrigerators? Is there a fish tank with no fish? Is your house so hot in winter that you need to wear a Hawaiian shirt? Walk around your house to see if there are any large appliances you don’t use or areas that are especially drafty. You might discover a lot of savings on your own. For more information on do-it-yourself energy audits click here.

Replace Your Single Pane Windows:

Upgrading to more energy efficient windows can help control temperature and air infiltration in your home. This is probably one of the more costly upgrades you can do but depending on the age of your windows and climate, the payback may be just a few years. Replacing windows is rarely cost-effective based solely on energy-savings but if you are planning to replace your windows because of maintenance or aesthetic reasons, make the most of the opportunity and consider ENERGY STAR home sealing.